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Service Terms and Conditions

LightSpeed Broadband Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions provide important information about the services we're providing you with, including we may change the agreement and the charges. The most important parts of the terms and conditions are explained below.

Common questions and important terms

What services am I getting?

The details of the services we will be providing are explained in your order confirmation.

How long does a service last and when does it start?

The service(s) we will provide will last for a minimum amount of time based on the length of the contract that you agree to, and this information will be included in your order confirmation. We will also include in your order confirmation the date that we will activate your service(s) which is also the date that we will start to charge you from.

Will the charges increase?

We reserve the right to increase prices at any time unless we have specifically agreed not to. We may increase the price of our plans by a percentage comprised of i) the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation plus ii) 3.9%. We will do this, so the price increase takes effect on or after 31st March each year. If we do make any price changes, we will give you at least 30 days’ notice. Please refer to sections 8 and 14 of this Agreement to understand your rights if we increase your price.

How much will I pay if I end my contract early?

If you end your contract early, we will make a charge to recover our costs for the full term of your original contract period. Please refer to our Charges Guide for details of the charges that will apply.

How to contact us

You can call us on: 01775 830 830You can write to us at: LightSpeed Broadband, Office 2B Westpoint, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6FZ. You can email us at: [email protected]


We take your feedback very seriously and strive to provide the best services to our customers. If you wish to make a complaint based on our services, please the following link: complaints code of practise.

Terms and Conditions for the LightSpeed Broadband Service

You should read these terms and conditions carefully as they contain important information. Please also read our Privacy Policy. It describes how we may use your personal information. We have a legally binding agreement made up of the following: 

These terms and conditions: 

Our Price Guide  

Our Privacy Policy 

Our Acceptable Use Policy  

1 - What service do we provide?

1.1  We provide you with a fibre broadband service (Service) which offers you the ability to connect to the internet at the upload and download speeds set out in the product information we send you (normally 1 Gigabit a second).

1.2  Where we provide you with the Service on a trial basis we will do so for the initial 6 months, unless stated otherwise when you sign up to our Service, during which period the Service will be provided free of charge in accordance with these terms and conditions (the Trial Period). After this Trial Period has ended, your Service will continue at the agreed monthly charge, in accordance with these terms and conditions, for the minimum term all as set out in your order summary. 

1.3 We do not provide a landline or voice service. If you choose to use a voice service that is dependent on your broadband service, then calls to emergency services telephone numbers (eg. 999 and 112) will not connect if there is a power cut affecting your home or if there is a failure of the internet service providing your home. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have an alternative means of communicating with the emergency services via the 999 and/or 112 telephone numbers. This could be by using an existing copper phone line, via a mobile phone or another alternative.

2 - When does the Service start? 

2.1  When you place an order with us you give us permission to run a credit check against you which we will use to decide if we wish to provide you with the Service.  

2.2  Once we have accepted your order for the Service, we will send you an order summary containing all of the key information relating to your package and installation, together with an installation date.  

2.3  We will confirm the planned activation date. After the activation date is confirmed it will be your responsibility to contact your current provider of broadband services to cancel your contract with them, and to check if any charges may be applied by them.  

2.4  We will start your Service on the date we have agreed with you, which you will find in your order summary. The minimum term will never be longer than 24 months or such other period of time as may be prescribed by the regulator Ofcom. You may also order the service with from us with just a 12 months minimum term. Details can be found on our website. We will provide you the Service for at least the minimum term set as out in your order summary, unless you or we end this Agreement early. See the section 8 below on ending this Agreement for more information on what happens when this Agreement ends. 

2.5  After your minimum term has ended we will carry on providing you with the Service until you or we choose to end this Agreement. You may choose to take up an offer from us in which case there will be a new minimum term. 

3 - What Equipment do I need? 

3.1  In order for the Service to work we will need to install some Equipment in your home including: 

3.1.1  an ONT (Optical Network Terminal): a socket that the engineer will install in your home to connect your router to the network. 

3.1.2  a Router: a device that will connect to the ONT and will provide you with Service and a Wi–Fi signal around your home. 

3.1.3  a Beacon: an additional device that is used to extend the Wi-Fi signal in your home. 

3.2  We will install and connect the Service to your home and to one electronic device. If you need to change or cancel an appointment, you must tell us at least two working days beforehand. We will only install the Equipment if someone over the age of 18 is present in your home. 

3.3  We will own the ONT and the Router and any Beacons that you will be hiring from us (Equipment), so that you can use the Service. When the Agreement ends you must return the Equipment to us following our instructions as they remain our property. If you don’t return them to us within 60 days we will charge you the cost of replacing them. 

3.4  You may instead choose to purchase the Beacons from us. You can use the Beacons to boost the Wi-Fi signal around your home. If you do buy any Beacons outright, they will belong to you. 

4 - Changing your mind 

4.1  You can change your mind after you have placed your order with us until 14 days after the Service has started. If you do cancel your contract in that time you will have to pay for:  

4.1.1  The charges for the service you have used; 

4.1.2  Anything you’ve used which isn't covered by the charges; and 

4.1.3  Any connection or activation fees. However, you will not be charged any early termination charges. (see section below on Termination). 

4.2  If you cancel your service within 14 days of the Service starting you must also return to us all the ONT, the Router and any Beacon we have supplied that you have not purchased. You must return this equipment following our instructions within 14 days of cancelling the Agreement or you will be charged the full cost of the equipment. We may still charge you the full cost of any Equipment you have returned if we reasonably think that you have damaged it. 

5 - How can you use the Service? 

5.1  We provide the Service for your personal use. We are not providing the Service to be used for any business purpose, trade or profession. You accept that you are responsible for how the Service and the Equipment are used.  

5.2  In order to help us provide you with the Service you agree that you will: 

5.2.1  Follow any reasonable instructions we give you and help us run our security checks. 

5.2.2  Get any permission we need to install any Equipment for you. 

5.2.3  Let us know if you change your name, address, email address, mobile number, payment details. 

5.2.4  Keep your LightSpeed ID username and password private and secure.  

5.2.5  Let us know immediately if you think someone else knows your LightSpeed ID password, and change your password at the same time. 

5.2.6  Not use the Service for any illegal purposes. 

5.2.7  Not do anything which might harm our network, brand, reputation, security, other users’ Equipment or security.

5.3  We will not impose any usage limits, but we do reserve the right to intervene if we feel that any usage contravenes our Acceptable or Fair Use Policies. Read our Acceptable Use Policy.

5.4  If we believe you've misused a service, or have let anyone else misuse it, you might have to pay us for any loss or damage we suffer as a result. There are more details about this in our Acceptable Use Policy

6 - What we must do for you

6.1  We provide the Service and Equipment to your UK address. We will take instructions from a person who we believe is acting with your permission.  

6.2  We aim to provide a continuous, high-quality service using reasonable care and skill, but we can't guarantee that it will always be available. 

6.3  Sometimes faults in our network or another company’s network may affect the Service. We will fix any faults as soon as we can. We may send out an engineer to fix a fault that we have not been able to resolve remotely. We will not charge you for this if the problem is in our network. But if we find that the fault is related to your home wiring, your equipment or our network is damaged within the boundary of your property other than through fair wear and tear, then you will have to pay for the engineer visit. We will tell you about this when we make the appointment. Please see our Charges Guide for more information about how much it costs for an engineer to come round. 

6.4  Where we have had to interrupt or suspend your Service to upgrade the network or carry or maintenance works we will try to get the Service running again as soon as possible. 

6.5  We try to keep our network secure through antivirus software and other security features. But we cannot guarantee that they will work against every threat so please make backup copies of your documents, photos and so on in case the originals are lost or corrupted. 

7 - Charges and payment 

7.1  You agree that you must pay for the Service using direct debit. We will not accept any other form of payment. 

7.2  We'll normally charge you monthly in advance for the month ahead. If we need to charge you for anything extra we will add those charges to a later bill. 

7.3  We will send your bills online by email. You will also be able to access them via your online LightSpeed account. 

7.4  If you think we’ve made a mistake on your bill please let us know immediately.  We may suspend the Service as we look into the issue you have raised. You must pay the amount you agree that you owe. 

7.5  If you don't pay your bill on time we will send a reminder to you. If you still haven't paid 7 days after the date of our reminder, we will add a late-payment charge to your next bill. You will also have to pay any failed payment charges for any failed direct debit where you don't have enough money in your account. These extra charges are shown in the Charges Guide. We will suspend your Service if you are more than 30 days late in paying your bill.  We may then give your details and your personal information, to a debt collection agency for them to collect the money for us. If so you will have to pay an extra charge to compensate us – equivalent to the amount we must pay to the debt collection agency. They in turn will add the charge to your debt. VAT will not be added to any extra charge we add to your bill. 

7.6  We may also transfer your debt to any other business (in which case, your personal information will also be transferred), if for example there is a change of control over LightSpeed or for any other reason. If this happens then they will have the right to seek payment from you of any monies that you owe. 

7.7  If you then do pay your bill and you want to be re-connected we will charge you a re-connection fee and then provide you with Service again.  

7.8  This clause continues to apply after the Agreement with us has ended. 

8 - When you can end the Service and this Agreement 

8.1  If you change your mind you can cancel the Agreement by contacting us via one of the methods outlined in clause 20.2 below, within 14 days of the Service starting, as explained in clause 4. This is known as the ‘cooling off period’. You do not need to give a reason and you will not have to pay a fee for leaving early (unless you fail to return the Equipment to us). 

8.2  You can cancel the Agreement at any time after the cooling off period by giving us 30 days' notice.

8.3  Subject to clause 8.4 and clause 8.5, if you cancel this Agreement at any time after the cooling off period, then you may have to pay a fee for leaving early. The early termination fees that will be payable are shown in the Charges Guide.

8.4 During the minimum term, if we change any terms of this Agreement, other than a change which is
(i) exclusively to your benefit, or
(ii) purely administrative nature and has no negative effect on you, or
(iii) is directly imposed by law, we will notify you of that change at least 30 days before it takes effect. You will then have the right to end this Agreement without paying a fee for leaving, by letting us know and providing us 30 days’ notice.

8.5  You can cancel at any time after the cooling off period and not be charged a fee for leaving early:  

8.5.1  If we break a significant term of the agreement. 

8.5.2  If you have suffered regular, repeated or continuous faults with the Service or the Service provided is below the standard that you might reasonably expect. Please let us know if you suffering a poor quality of service. 

8.6  If you’re regularly getting download and upload speeds that are more than 10% lower than we estimated in your order confirmation (in which case please tell us and we'll try to improve the speeds). Your speed is guaranteed to your LightSpeed Hub Router. Any tests to determine your download and upload speeds must occur through the Nokia standalone app (App). 

8.7  If you fail to return the Equipment within the applicable time frame set out in clauses 3.3 and 4.2 then we will charge you for the cost of the Equipment. We will add this charge to your final bill. 

9 - When we may restrict, suspend or end a service

9.1  We may stop providing a Service at any time by giving you at least 30 days written notice.  

9.2  If you break the Agreement, we will let you try to put things right in a reasonable timeframe. But during that time, we may suspend your Service. We may also end your Service if any of the following apply:  

9.2.1  We have to end the Agreement by law or in line with any regulation. 

9.2.2  We can't provide the Service any longer.

9.3  If we end the Agreement for any of the reasons set out below you may have to pay us a fee for leaving the Agreement early if you are within your minimum term:  

9.3.1  You break the Agreement and don't put things right in a reasonable time. 

9.3.2  Your serious misuse of the Service cannot be put right. 

9.3.3  You or anyone else using the Service act in an unsuitable or threatening way to any of our staff.  

9.3.4  You don’t pay for the Service or you cancel your direct debit and we haven't agreed another way that you can pay. 

9.3.5  We suspect fraud or any other unauthorised activity. 

9.3.6  We consider it reasonable to end your Service in order to protect our network and maintain a high-quality service. 

9.3.7  You use the Service for any business purpose, trade or profession. 

9.4  If we think there has been or is likely to be a serious security incident, we may suspend your LightSpeed ID username to protect your account. We’ll ask you to change your password before letting you log back in. 

9.5  If you or we end the Service, we'll refund any amount you've paid upfront. But first we'll take off anything you owe us in connection with that service or any other agreement between you and us. 

10 - Charges for ending the Agreement early 

10.1  You’ll have to pay us a fee if you end the Agreement early or we end the Agreement within your minimum term for one of the reasons set out in clause 9.3 above. You will also have to pay us the full cost of the Equipment if you fail to return it to us within 60 days of being asked to do so following our instructions.  

10.2  You won't have to pay us a fee for ending your Agreement with us early if you end the Agreement for any of the reasons set out in clause 8 or you move home and we cannot provide the Service at your new UK address.  (Subject to us receiving proof of your new address).

10.3  If you do have to pay us a fee for ending your Agreement early then the fee payable will be equivalent to the total amount of charges you’d have paid if you stayed with us for the whole minimum term minus any costs we save from you leaving early. There is more information in the LightSpeed Consumer Charges Guide.

11 - What happens if something goes wrong? 

11.1  If something goes wrong with the Service which is our fault then we may do the following: 

11.1.1  Apply a credit to your LightSpeed account when we’re late delivering your Service.  

11.1.2  Apply a credit to your LightSpeed account if we are late in repairing your Service.  1

1.1.3  Pay to you any reasonably incurred losses that we accept we could have reasonably foreseen as a result of us breaking the Agreement. If you claim this then we will need proof of your loss before we can agree to pay out on any claim. VAT won’t be added to any amount we agree to pay you. 

11.1.4  Apply a credit to your LightSpeed account for £25 if we, on the day of the appointment, fail to keep, or cancel an engineer’s appointment, be it for installation or repair. 

12 - What we're not responsible for and limits on our liability 

12.1  We accept responsibility with no limit on liability in the following circumstances:  

12.1.1  Where we cause death or personal injury through our negligence;  

12.1.2  For any fraud or fraudulent statements made by us; and 

12.1.3  For any other liability that we cannot exclude by law.  

12.2  We accept liability for loss or damage to your physical property arising from our negligence up to £100,000 in total for any one event or series of events in any one 12-month period.  

12.3  Our liability to you in this contract if the Service is not working for any reason is limited to £5,000 in compensation per year. 

12.4  Other than where clause 12.1 applies we will not be liable to you for:  

12.4.1  Any delay or failure caused by something beyond our reasonable control which might include lightning, flooding, severe weather, fire, explosion, terrorist activities, epidemic, riots, war, anything done by a government or other public authority, or strikes or other industrial action;  

12.4.2  Any losses caused by your breach of the terms of this Agreement;    

12.4.3  Any commercial or business loss or any loss caused by malware or the unauthorised use of the Service on any of your devices; 

12.4.4  Any loss caused by corruption or loss of data or information; 

12.4.5  Any failure of any alarm systems due to incompatibility with the Service; 

12.4.6  Any other reason which is not due to our fault or neglect; 

12.4.7  Your use of any equipment not supplied by us; and

12.4.8  Losses which we couldn’t reasonably have expected or which we couldn’t have considered when entering into the Agreement. 

13 - Returning faulty Equipment 

13.1  If you think any Equipment we have supplied is faulty you must let us know. If we ask you to you must return that Equipment to us and we will arrange to send out replacement Equipment to you. We'll give you pre-paid packaging to do this. 

13.2  We may test any Equipment you return to us and if we find it isn't faulty we will return it to you or replace it. 

13.3  Any Beacons we supply to you come with a 12 month warranty. If they fail after that then you will have to pay for a replacement beacon.  

13.4  Any replacement Equipment sent by us will be either new or 'as new' (which is second-hand equipment we've refurbished). 

14 - Changes we may make 

14.1  We may change the Service or the Service features or the Equipment, charges and the terms and conditions of the Agreement at any time for the reasons listed in clause 15 below. 

14.2  If we increase the charges for the Service or if we change the Services in any way that significantly disadvantages you, we will:  

14.2.1  Tell you at least 30 days before the change, unless we are unable to do so for legal or regulatory reasons, in which case we'll give you as much notice as we can. 

14.2.2  Let you end the Service by giving us 30 days' notice without having to pay any extra early termination charges or a fee for leaving early. But you'll have to tell us that you want to do this within 30 days of the date of the notice that we send you. 

15 - Changes to the Services and terms and conditions of the Agreement 

15.1  We may change the Services the Equipment and the terms and conditions of this Agreement to do the following: 

15.1.1  Make it easier for you to understand or change it in another way that doesn't significantly disadvantage you; 

15.1.2  Change, improve or update the Equipment or the Service you get or to introduce new Services or Equipment; 

15.1.3  Change the way we structure our charges;  

15.1.4  Reflect changes to or developments in technology (for example, we may introduce new Equipment or ways to pay for the Service);  

15.1.5  Withdraw, replace or remove all or parts of the Service or Equipment; 

15.1.6  Update, upgrade, improve or alter the Service or Equipment (for example, to fix bugs or faults, tackle security issues, improve software etc);  

15.1.7  Reflect a change in our ability to provide the Service (for example, if we increase our coverage somewhere); 

15.1.8  Reorganise the way we manage or run our business; or 

15.1.9  Reflect any change to a law, code of practice, regulation, guidance or responsibility that applies to us. 

16 - Other changes to the Agreement 

16.1  Because we might provide aservice to you for a long time (not just for the minimum term), and we can't always predict the future. We may therefore need to make changes for a reason not listed in clause 15 - if we do, we'll give you notice, and you may be able to end the Service without suffering any early termination charges.  

17 - Changes to the charges 

17.1  We may change the charges if: 

17.1.1  We change the Service or the terms and conditions of the Agreement as listed in clause 16; 

17.1.2  The cost of providing the Service increases (for example, the businesses we buy from increase their prices); 

17.1.3  The cost of running our business increases or we reorganise the way in which we run our company; or 

17.1.4  There's a change in a law, code of practice, regulation, guidance or responsibility that applies to us (for example, if there's a VAT increase).   

17.2  We might need to increase the charges for reasons other than those listed in the clause above. If we do, we'll give you notice and you will be able to end your Agreement with us without having to pay early termination.  

18 - Everything else: Equipment and software 

18.1  We own the Equipment (except the software in it) and you must therefore look after it and not dispose, damage, destroy or otherwise interfere with it unless we ask you to (for example, if we're helping you fix a problem). If the Equipment breaks, we will charge you to fix or replace it (unless it is fair wear and tear). 

18.2  If you fail to return the Equipment to us within 60 days then we will charge you the cost of replacing that Equipment, which will be the full cost where you end the Agreement within 28 days of the Service starting or within the minimum term. If however, you return the Equipment within two years of us making that charge we will refund you subject to the Equipment being in a satisfactory condition. 

18.3  The Equipment has software on it which we either own or we have a licence for which allows you to use it. Under no circumstances can you attempt to modify or reverse engineer that software and you must let us update or upgrade and replace that software as needed from time to time. 

18.4  We will only be responsible for Equipment that we have supplied to you. You must not connect to our network any equipment which may cause the network harm or damage in any way.

19 - Everything else: What happens when you move home 

19.1  If you move home we will set up the service so that we can carry on providing you with the Service at your new UK address unless it is not possible for us to do so. 

20 - Everything else: How to get in touch with us and how we'll contact you 

20.1  We'll send you any written notice by email or post to the email address and/or physical address we have for you. We'll assume you get letters in the post two working days after we've sent them. It's your responsibility to read the notices that we send you. 

20.2  You can reach us on 01775 830 830. Calls are free from landlines. You can also email us through your LightSpeed account or by any other way shown at contact us.

21 - Everything else: Parental controls 

21.1  You will be able to control what content can be accessed via your internet account with us by using the parental controls feature in the App which will be made available to you. Please see the App for terms on how it may be used.  

22 - Everything else: Complaints 

22.1  Sometimes you may need to contact us if there is a problem with your Service. We will try our best to settle your complaint. But if we are unable to do so within eight weeks of you raising the matter originally then you may take the matter up with the Ombudsman. 

23 - Everything else: Other things we need to tell you  

23.1   This Agreement is only between you and us. You cannot transfer or try to transfer it to anyone else. We can transfer the Agreement, and our rights and obligations under it, to anyone else which may happen if we reorganise the way we work or we merge with or are taken over by another company, as long as it doesn't have a negative effect on your rights. 

23.2  We own any intellectual property rights associated with the Service and the Equipment and you will not acquire any such rights by using the Service.  

23.3  Only you or us can take action under this Agreement. Nobody else can sue upon this Agreement and the Contracts Rights of Third Parties Act does not apply.  

23.4  If any part of the Agreement cannot be enforced, all other parts of the agreement will still apply. 

23.5  We may record calls (including marketing calls) to help us with training and to prevent identity fraud.  

23.6  The Agreement is made under English law and any disputes you and we cannot settle can only be decided in an English court.  

© LightSpeed 2025. LightSpeed Broadband Limited is registered in England and Wales (Company Registered number 12487672) and its Registered Office Address is LightSpeed Broadband Ltd, Office 2B, Westpoint, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6FZ