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Complaints Code of Practice

LightSpeed Broadband Complaints Code of Practice

LightSpeed Broadband Complaints Code of Practice

1 - Introduction 

1.1  This is our complaints code of practice for LightSpeed Broadband customers and was last updated on 30 September 2022. 

1.2  At LightSpeed we are determined to get things right for our customers but if something unexpectedly goes wrong, we will do whatever we can to rectify the situation as quickly as we can. 

1.3  This code of practice will lay out how to raise complaints, how we will handle it and what to do if you are still unhappy. 

2 - How to make a complaint

2.1  In order to investigate and resolve complaints as quickly as possible, it is important that we have as much detail as possible. Where possible please provide the following information as part of your complaint: 

2.1.1  Your full name. 

2.1.2. Full details of the issue and when it occurred. 

2.1.3  The details of any previous contact you have made with us about the issue. 

2.1.4  Your account number. 

2.2  Where you do not have all of this information available, we will still fully investigate and try our best to resolve your complaint but please note that without all the information we request from you, our investigations into your complaint may take longer. If your complaint is regarding your GDPR rights please see our Privacy Policy or email [email protected]

2.3  To raise a complaint over the phone you can call us on 01775 830 830.  

2.4  To raise a complaint via our website please visit www.lightspeed.co.uk and contact our support team through Live Chat or complete a webform.  

2.5  Complaints by email should be addressed to the Complaints Department and sent to: [email protected] 

2.6  To raise a complaint in writing our address is: The Complaints Department, LightSpeed Broadband, Suite 2B, Westpoint, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6EA

2.7  When submitting a complaint, please be careful of the type of information you give us. Please avoid including any sensitive information, such as your payment information or passwords, unless we specify otherwise as part of the complaints process. 

2.8  We understand that some customers may have specific needs in terms of how we handle their complaint, so please make us aware of this as soon as possible and we will take this into account in relation to how we manage and communicate with you about your complaint. 

3 - How we manage complaints

3.1  We will always carry out a full investigation into the complaint to ensure we understand the cause, how we can rectify your issue and anything we can do better in the future. 

3.2  When we are dealing with an open complaint we will keep you updated throughout, we will also tell you the best way for you to get an update or check on progress. 

3.3  To try and resolve complaints as quickly and effectively as possible, it is likely that we will contact you to discuss your complaint over the phone. If you have any specific requests on how we keep you updated, please let our team know. 

3.4  We will confirm the outcome of your complaint within 28 days of it being raised. 

3.5  If we communicate the outcome of your complaint and we do not receive a further response from you within 28 days, we will close the complaint and assume the matter closed and any further correspondence from you will be considered a new complaint. 

4 - If you are still unhappy

4.1  If we are unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction you are within your right to take your complaint to an independent alternative dispute resolution (ADR) body, or seek advice from bodies such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards. 

4.2  You can only do this after 8 weeks have passed since your complaint was raised and we are unable to agree a resolution with you or you have been given our final offer of a resolution to your complaint in the form of a deadlock letter. A deadlock letter will be issued to you once our complaints process has been exhausted and a final review has taken place to ensure that the resolution that has been offered, within the deadlock letter, is fair to you.  

4.3  We are registered with the Ombudsman Services as our ADR body. They are approved by Ofcom and deal with complaints independently. The contact details for the Ombudsman Services are as follows: 

4.3.1  You can call them on 0330 440 1614 

4.3.2  You can email them at: [email protected] 

4.3.3  You can write to them at: Ombudsman Services: Communications, P.O. Box 730, Warrington WA4 6WU4.3.4  You can raise your complaint online via their website: www.ombudsman-services.org

© LightSpeed 2025. LightSpeed Broadband Limited is registered in England and Wales (Company Registered number 12487672) and its Registered Office Address is LightSpeed Broadband Ltd, Office 2B, Westpoint, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6FZ