Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
This Health and Policy Statement will be displayed at all workplaces and made available through all work allocation systems for all work packages. It will be made available to our supply chain before an appointment is made of their services. Awareness to our Health and Safety Management systems will be through but not limited to, attendance on our induction and onboarding sessions.
LightSpeed is committed to ensuring the health, safety, welfare, and wellbeing of its employee’s and of others who may be affected by its activities and to preventing work-related injuries, ill health, diseases, and incidents. LightSpeed will take the necessary steps to achieve this commitment, to be compliant and to promote a positive working culture throughout the business.
Health and safety is an integral part to our business. Our Aim: "No one deserves the right not to return home at the end of the day, nor does someone deserve the right to put their colleagues, families & friends through the pain and discomfort of not returning home due unsafe acts and unsafe conditions."
Whilst our CEO is responsible for health and safety and monitoring the effectiveness of its implementation, there is also a duty to all employees, contractors, build partners, agency workers, visitors, and self-employed persons to adhere and execute this policy, its responsibilities and arrangement documentation as well as to follow legislation and industry standards. All of which articulate to how we will achieve our vision to be beyond compliance.
Each person working for or on behalf of LightSpeed must take reasonable care of their own and other people’s health, safety, and welfare, to familiarise themselves with and implement procedures and to report risks, unsafe acts, and conditions to their line manager, the SHEQS Department and the Quality Manager.
This policy and the responsibilities and arrangements that support it, will be reviewed annually or sooner if there are changes within the business or with legislation and industry standards.
Our approach is on eight focus areas, where we will concentrate to develop our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management System.
Leadership. We will:
Be compliant
Lead with health and safety to ensure our safety performance excels, incidents are eliminated or reduced
Set and monitor our health and safety objectives and measure our performances
Take on the services of a Health and Safety Competent Person
Assign responsibilities
Listen to ideas to improve
Provide sufficient resources
Be proactive, positive, mentor, visible, deliver clear communications, lead by example, collaborate
Ensure this policy, its responsibility and arrangements, legislation and industry practices are followed.
Safe workplaces. We will:
Provide and maintain our buildings, plant, vehicles, work equipment
Implement safe systems of work to ensure safe condition, safe access, and provide suitable welfare measures
Where it is necessary, install suitable safety devices
Eliminate or reduce the use of hazardous and dangerous substances and implement suitable controls
Ensure health and safety when using, handling, storing, and transporting of articles
Maintain arrangements for emergency response and provide rescue plans where required
Risk assessing and controls will:
Assess risks to the safety and health of our employees and others who may be affected by our activities and implement controls to eliminate or minimise those risks, whilst following the Principles of Prevention
Design risks out where we can at planning and design stages and control residual risks
Undertake risk assessments (overarching and point of work) on our activities, equipment, and premises/sites. Ensuring our supply chain do the same
Communicate out our risks and controls
Supply controls that are suitable and sufficient to control risks, including PPE. Review risk assessments periodically and make alterations where necessary to improve and if anything changes.
Competences. We will:
Ensure induction and onboarding processes are performed
Provide training, information, and instruction to ensure competences. Support employees with their PDRs to achieve their goals
Check competencies of our people and our supply chain
Appoint competent suppliers, who have successively completed our vetting processes
Capable people. We will:
Provide necessary resources in the form of finance, equipment, training, people, time
Provide expert help where the essential skills are not available in house
Ensure health and safety advice is accessible to all
Communicate and collaborate
Prioritise wellbeing initiatives and programmes. Such as, mental health first aiders and our policies on Behavioural, Grievance and Disciplinary and Speaking Up
Communication. We will:
Consult with employees on health and safety matters via our Health and Safety Committee, Health, and Safety Representatives, or we will speak directly
Use different communication platforms to reach our employees and third parties on health and safety matters
Supply our suppliers with necessary information for them to control risks
Culture & Engagement. We will:
Make people aware of our health and safety expectations, so naturally they are alert to risks. Integrate risk management so it is always part of our daily work routines. Engage and collaborate with each other and our third parties. Have a fair and just culture, learn from mistakes, reflect on our commitment, and continually look to improve. Ensure our leadership teams are committed to health and safety and held accountable
Continuous Improvement. We will:
Continually improve our health and safety performances, culture, and systems. Monitor and review
Identify and use new and evolving technologies and work equipment where we can
Network with health and safety professionals, subscribe to publications, perform refresher training to maintain knowledge and to learn new. Promote understanding, training for competency, encourage feedback, implement our actions. Learn from mistakes and encourage the reporting of unsafe acts/conditions and speaking up
Thoroughly investigate incidents and learn lessons