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Environment and Sustainability Policy

This Environment and Sustainability Statement will be displayed at all workplaces and made available through all work allocation systems for all work packages. It will be made available to our supply chain before an appointment is made of their services. Awareness to our Environment and Sustainability Management systems will be through but not limited to, attendance on our  induction and onboarding sessions.

We our seriously committed to our responsibilities to the environment, sustainability and to our communities. We will evaluate our work activities, not just as a construction project but also on how our work may affect the local community and environment. We will actively collaborate with local communities building positive relationships. Our risk management strategies include management tools to combat risks through various methods. All projects, regardless of type or scale, will implement the essential requirements as highlighted within our environmental, sustainability, health and safety, quality and community/corporate social responsibility policies, procedures, and plans, as well as Local Planning Authority plans. Our suite of controls will be cascaded across the company through collaborative working, training, instruction, risk assessing, policy making and following our management monitoring programme. We will take the necessary steps to achieve this commitment, to be compliant and to promote environmental protection and sustainability throughout the business.

Environment and Sustainability is an integral part to our business. Our Aim: Achieve Net Zero by 2050, or sooner.

Whilst our CEO is ultimately responsible for environment and sustainability, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of its implementation, there is also a duty to all employees, contractors, build partners, agency workers, visitors, and self-employed persons to adhere and execute this policy, its responsibilities, and procedures, as well as to follow legislation and industry standards. All of which articulate to how we will achieve our vision to be beyond compliance.

Each person working for or on behalf of LightSpeed must take reasonable care of the environment and community they are working within, to familiarise themselves with and implement procedures and to report environmental risks, to their line manager, the SHEQS Department and Quality Manager.

Environment, sustainability, and our social behaviours within the communities that we work in, are at the very core of LightSpeed. In the way we think and the choices we make, it is reflected in our day-to-day business practices. We encourage our people to create opportunities of innovation and to develop positive ways to collaborate with communities, reduce energy and water consumption, as well as to minimise and recycle waste. As a responsible company, our mission is to effectively manage our performances to reduce possible negative impacts; locally, nationally, and internationally. We will develop strategies, policies, and procedures to manage and eliminate or minimise the risks. We will achieve this through implementing this policy and, providing, where possible, an environmental and sustainable service within all our operations, whilst minimising risk. We will support our people to strive for excellence, apply strategic aims to reach our vision, and invest resources to meet our legal and moral obligations.

LightSpeed selects third parties that hold excellent environmental, sustainability and social behaviour performances, who share the same values, follow legislation, industry standards, as well as implement meaningful policies and procedures.

Our pledge encompasses our workplaces, worksites, employees, contractors, supply chain, communities where we conduct our businesses, customers, clients, and others that may be affected by our activities.

This policy and the responsibilities and procedures that support it, will be reviewed annually or sooner if there are changes within the business or with legislation and industry standards.

As we continue our progress to achieving net zero by 2050, we will focus on:

  1. Being compliant with legislation, regulations, industry standards, and other requirements.

  2. Implementing our environmental, sustainability and community policies and procedures.

  3. Continually looking at ways to improve our environmental, sustainability and social performances. Promoting environmental and sustainability stewardship and assessing the impact and implications of our work activities.

  4. Embedding our commitments throughout our organisation and with our people. Developing and maintaining management programmes with objectives and targets that meet our aim to eliminate or reduce adverse impacts.

  5. Actively monitoring, managing, and publicly reporting our energy use and carbon reduction.

  6. Reducing our carbon emissions and reviewing the practicality of moving the internal fleet to Hybrid and/or fully electric vehicles, taking into consideration the tools and equipment needed for each vehicle, weight of the vehicle and distance before recharge for the role of the driver.

  7. Improving energy and water consumption, as well as our waste management. Implementing effective pollution prevention, energy and water conservation through encouraging positive behavioural practices, training, information, instruction, and following procedures.

  8. Prioritising employee health and safety, wellness, and quality of a work-life balance, utilising skill sets.

  9. Reducing, reusing, recovering energy and recycling materials, where it is possible.

  10. Energy efficiency within our network and the equipment provided to our customers.

  11. Providing resources, knowledge, and tools to meet the requirements of this policy and to actively participate in efforts to prevent negative impacts to the environment and local community.

  12. Measuring progress towards our aims with environmental, sustainability and social behaviours.

  13. Assessing environment, sustainability, and community initiatives within our work practices, offices, and warehouses through analysing designs, plans, construction sites, operations and installation practices, transportation, mobilisation/de mobilisation etc.

  14. Supporting employees, contractors, and supply chain to strive for excellence.

  15. Working with our supply chain on upstream environmental, sustainability, and community engagement opportunities. We will, before an appointment of their services is made, evaluate their management policies, procedures, and plans. Such as but not limited to, their insurances, Health and Safety policy, Environmental and Sustainability Policy, Quality Policy, Community Engagement Policy, carbon reduction, energy and water consumption initiatives, safe systems of work, planning and design (designs that consider ways to decrease impacts to the environment and communities), sustainability initiatives, construction plans, waste and designing out waste, reusing materials, pollution, packaging reduction schemes, transport, mobilisation and de mobilisation, reinstatement and soil management, de-watering, work equipment and its maintenance, purchasing equipment, materials, and products, the use of low environmental impact materials and equipment etc., using local resources and suppliers, using FSC® / PEFC certified timber, conservation, noise, air, vibration nuisance controls, light discharge, cross contamination etc. (This is not an exhausted list).

  16. Collaborating with local communities to build positive relationships.

  17. Providing an environmental and sustainable service, in all our operations, whilst minimising risk.

  18. Consulting with employees, contractors, build partners and all stakeholders to ensure environmental and sustainability awareness and to receive feedback on our performances, so we can improve our processes.

  19. Providing necessary training, information, and instruction in environmental and sustainable matters.

© LightSpeed 2025. LightSpeed Broadband Limited is registered in England and Wales (Company Registered number 12487672) and its Registered Office Address is LightSpeed Broadband Ltd, Office 2B, Westpoint, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6FZ